cff-version: 1.2.0
abstract: "This Dataset contains the data files used for simulations in the publication "A Computationally Efficient Moving Horizon Estimator for Ultra-Wideband Localization on Small Quadrotors" (2021) by S. Pfeiffer, C. de Wagter and G.C.H.E de Croon.
The logs were collected in two different UWB modes (TWR and TdoA) and on 6 different trajectories (Square, Triangle, Octagon, Hourglass, Star, Random). UWB data was gathered with 8 anchors positioned roughly in the corners of a cube. Two of the files do not contain complete UWB data and are marked with the suffix "_BAD".
The data was recorded on a Crazyflie 2.1 in the TU Delft "Cyberzoo" indoor flight arena using the scripts found at The code used for the simulations in the paper can be found at
This dataset contains the following files:- anchor_positions.yaml : This file contains the location of the UWB anchors in Cyberzoo coordinates
- date_time_mode_trajectory.csv : The log files
The log files contain the following fields:
- timeTick : timestamps in ms
- gyroX/gyroY/gyroZ: Gyroscope measurements in deg/s
- accX/accY/accZ: Accelerometer measurments in G (1G = 9.81m/s)
- twri: TWR distance measurement to anchor i
- tdoaij: TdoA measurement from anchors i and j
- otX/otY/otZ: Groundtruth measured by an optitrack motion capture system"
- family-names: Pfeiffer
given-names: Sven
orcid: ""
- family-names: de Wagter
given-names: Christophe
orcid: ""
- family-names: de Croon
given-names: Guido
title: "Data underlying the publication: "A Computationally Efficient Moving Horizon Estimator for UWB Localization on Small Quadrotors"""
version: 1
- type: doi
value: 10.4121/14827680.v1
license: CC0
date-released: 2021-06-30