cff-version: 1.2.0 abstract: "
This dataset contains the data used in the article: “Reducing artifacts in photoacoustic imaging by using multi-wavelength excitation and transducer displacement”.
The occurrence of artifacts is a major challenge in photoacoustic imaging. The artifacts negatively affect the quality and reliability of the images. An approach using multiwavelength excitation has previously been reported for in-plane artifact identification. Yet,out-of-plane artifacts cannot be tackled with this method. Here we propose a new method using ultrasound transducer array displacement. By displacing the ultrasound transducer array axially, we can de-correlate out-of-plane artifacts with in-plane image features and thus remove them. Combining this new method with the previous one allows us to remove potentially completely both in-plane and out-of-plane artifacts in photoacoustic imaging. We experimentally demonstrate this with experiments in phantoms as well as in vivo.
" authors: - family-names: Nguyen given-names: Ho Nhu'y orcid: "" - family-names: Steenbergen given-names: Wiendelt title: "Data accompanying the publication:Reducing artifacts in photoacoustic imaging by using multi-wavelength excitation and transducer displacement" keywords: version: 1 identifiers: - type: doi value: 10.4121/13614170.v1 license: CC BY 4.0 date-released: 2021-01-20