cff-version: 1.2.0 abstract: "Spatio - temporal soil moisture measurements at 40 cm depth in an agricultural field in Haps, N. Brabant, the Netherlands. A total of 25 stations are distributed in a cultivates field that covers approximately 2.3 ha. of land area.

The datasets were collected over three seasons (summer 2017, winter 2017, summer 2018) using 5TM soil moisture sensors. The measurements were logged every 15 minutes.

In 2017, the crops in the field were potato and corn. After the harvest, a portion of the field was converted to grass for grazing. This was not desired because the sensors could be damaged by cattle. Twelve stations were relocated to another part of the field to avoid the grass field. In 2018, the only corn was planted where the stations were installed. Sandy soils were encountered at the study site.

" authors: - family-names: Carranza given-names: Coleen orcid: "" - family-names: Gertsen given-names: Henny - family-names: Peters given-names: Piet - family-names: van der Ploeg given-names: M.J. (Martine) orcid: "" title: "Spatio-temporal subsurface soil moisture (40 cm depth) within an agricultural field in the Netherlands" keywords: version: 3 identifiers: - type: doi value: 10.4121/13376960.v3 license: CC0 date-released: 2021-02-05