cff-version: 1.2.0 abstract: "This dataset contains both the experimental and simulation data for the article on addressing WS2 valley pseudospins via the transverse optical spin of ZnO nanowire modes. Experimental data were acquired using a CCD camera and spectrometer, using program Winspec. Data processing and the images for the paper are done in Matlab. Simularion data are a convolution of mode solving in Comsol (columns in text data are named), and scanning a gaussian beam around a ZnO nanowire in Lumerical. The convolution and the images for the paper are done in Matlab. For more information, see article." authors: - family-names: Komen given-names: Irina orcid: "" - family-names: Gong given-names: S.H. (Su-Hyun) orcid: "" title: "Data underlying the article: Nanoscale optical addressing of valleypseudospins through transverse optical spin" keywords: version: 1 identifiers: - type: doi value: 10.4121/uuid:b45aadad-6687-40f2-8e60-fc1c2e583fdc license: CC0 date-released: 2020-05-18