cff-version: 1.2.0 abstract: "Corresponding data-set to IDCC 2017 Practice Paper 'Are the FAIR-Principles fair?'. Excel Spreadsheet with overview and categories, frequency and proportion statistics, and graphs of 37 data repositories in the Netherlands and Europe. Compliance Evaluation is based on the principles and facets of the FAIR principles; is the source for the data repositories." authors: - family-names: Dunning given-names: A.C. (Alastair) orcid: "" - family-names: de Smaele given-names: Madeleine orcid: "" - family-names: Böhmer given-names: Jasmin K. orcid: "" title: "Evaluation of data repositories based on the FAIR Principles for IDCC 2017 practice paper" keywords: version: 1 identifiers: - type: doi value: 10.4121/uuid:5146dd06-98e4-426c-9ae5-dc8fa65c549f license: 4TU General Terms of Use date-released: 2017-02-02