cff-version: 1.2.0 abstract: "The research sought to assess the effects of an iPad-based grading apparatus on airline evaluator performance. Evaluator performance was determined based on the frequency of recorded technical and non-technical data, as well as the correlation and inter-rater agreement with a referent score using different scoring mechanisms. Research was primarily quantitative in nature, and data were collected both electronically and manually depending on the experimental group. Included datasets are broken down into two groups. The first group of data contains all raw scores relative to the psychometric testing of the iPad grading software. The second group of data contains all raw scores relative to the experimental phase of research. The criteria used in the study are also provided." authors: - family-names: Elsenrath given-names: Michael orcid: "" title: "Research data relative to the work titled, "The Effects of Tablet-Based Electronic Grading on Airline Evaluator Performance"." keywords: version: 2 identifiers: - type: doi value: 10.4121/uuid:0586027a-3027-479f-9e19-2c8e1bfcc082 license: CC0 date-released: 2020-08-19