cff-version: 1.2.0
abstract: "The Condroz Sandstone Point Clouds are acquired for the BSc thesis of Rianne Broeksma. The data consist of 2 point clouds surveyed in an outcrop called Carrière Durnal in Belgium.  
Background: The Condroz Sandstone is a sandstone succession that crops out in Belgium, Germany and France. This sandstone represent a shallow marine succession of tidal and fluvial dominated deltaic deposits and is an ideal reservoir analogue. The point clouds are used to develop a method for detecting and measuring the fracture plane orientations in this outcrop.
This dataset is the raw data, not processed, not reduced in size. It does not contain any correction."
  - family-names: Broeksma
    given-names: Rianne
title: "Condroz Sandstone - Carriere Durnal Laser Scanning Point Clouds - Raw Data"
version: 1
  - type: doi
    value: 10.4121/uuid:6ad47576-f281-4590-8439-01c5a47af6fb
license: 4TU General Terms of Use
date-released: 2016-11-18