@misc{https://doi.org/10.4121/uuid:8bcbeb5b-9b0a-47d2-9264-5521aa748b64, doi = {10.4121/uuid:8bcbeb5b-9b0a-47d2-9264-5521aa748b64}, url = {https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Crossed_Andreev_Reflection_in_InSb_flake_Josephson_Junctions/12707081/1}, author = {de Vries, Folkert and Sol, M.L. (Martijn) and Gazibegovic, S. (Sasa) and op het Veld, R.L.M. (Roy) and Balk, S.C. (Stijn) and Car, D. (Diana) and Bakkers, E.P.A.M. (Erik) and Kouwenhoven, L.P. (Leo) and Shen, J. (Jie)}, keywords = {Condensed Matter, Experimental Physics, Josephson Physics, Josephson junction, Nanoscience, Nanowires, Physics, Quantum Computation, Superconductivity, Theoretical Physics}, title = {Crossed Andreev Reflection in InSb flake Josephson Junctions}, publisher = {4TU.Centre for Research Data}, year = {2019}, copyright = {CC0}, }