@misc{https://doi.org/10.4121/12917615.v1, doi = {10.4121/12917615.v1}, url = {https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Post-processed_video_files_of_simulations_in_Delft3D_of_multiple_turbidity_currents_included_as_part_of_phase_C_Equinor-TU_Delft_contract_/12917615/1}, author = {Azpiroz Zabala, Maria and Storms, Joep and van der Vegt, Helena and Eggenhuisen, Joris and Walstra, Dirk-Jan}, keywords = {Turbidity currents, submarine canyon, Simulations, post-processed video files, Low-density, sediment transport processes, sediment deposition, Delft3D, 3-Dimensional}, title = {Post-processed video files of simulations in Delft3D of multiple turbidity currents (included as part of phase C Equinor-TU Delft contract)}, publisher = {4TU.ResearchData}, year = {2020}, copyright = {CC BY 4.0}, }