@misc{https://doi.org/10.4121/fab1a54d-3e68-4d6f-8d94-161c16539760.v1, doi = {10.4121/fab1a54d-3e68-4d6f-8d94-161c16539760.v1}, url = {}, author = {Rodriguez Hernandez, Karen Elena and de Groot, Jurriaan H. and Grootendorst-Heemskerk, Eveline R.M. and Baas, Frank and Stijntjes, Marjon and Schiemanck, Sven K. and C. T. van der Helm, Frans and van der Kooij, H. (Herman) and Mugge, Winfred}, keywords = {muscle spasticity, orthotic devices, stroke, equinus deformity, ankle work}, title = {Data set of "Compensating the Symptomatic Increase of in Plantarflexion Torque and Mechanical Work for Dorsiflexion in Patients with Spastic Paresis Using the “Hermes” Ankle-Foot-Orthosis"}, publisher = {4TU.ResearchData}, year = {2025}, copyright = {ODbL-1.0}, }