@misc{https://doi.org/10.4121/17708117.v1, doi = {10.4121/17708117.v1}, url = {https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Data_underlying_the_publication_Forage_quality_in_grazing_lawns_and_tall_grasslands_in_the_subtropical_region_of_Nepal_and_implications_for_wild_herbivores_/19996262/1}, author = {Kumar Thapa, Shyam and de Jong, Joost F. and Subedi, Naresh and Hof, Anouschka and Corradini, Gloria and Basnet, Salu and Prins, Herbert}, keywords = {Grazing lawns, nutrients, herbivores}, title = {Data underlying the publication: Forage quality in grazing lawns and tall grasslands in the subtropical region of Nepal and implications for wild herbivores.}, publisher = {4TU.ResearchData}, year = {2023}, copyright = {CC BY 4.0}, }