@misc{https://doi.org/10.4121/12693254.v4, doi = {10.4121/12693254.v4}, url = {https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/High_resolution_bed_level_change_and_synchronized_biophysical_data_from_10_tidal_flats_in_northwestern_Europe/12693254/4}, author = {Hu, Zhan and Willemsen, Pim and Borsje, B.W. (Bas) and Wang, C. and Wang, H. (Heng) and van der Wal, D. (Daphne) and Zhu, Z. (Zhenchang) and Oteman, Bas and Vuik, V. (Vincent) and Evans, B. (Ben)}, keywords = {SED-sensors, Tidal flats, bed-level change, biophysical interactions, hydrodynamics, storms}, title = {Synchronized high-resolution bed-level change and biophysical data from 10 marsh–mudflat sites in northwestern Europe}, publisher = {4TU.Centre for Research Data}, year = {2021}, copyright = {CC0}, }