@misc{https://doi.org/10.4121/uuid:4251048f-f408-42cc-b1cf-83522430e420, doi = {10.4121/uuid:4251048f-f408-42cc-b1cf-83522430e420}, url = {https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Physical_model_tests_on_stability_and_interlocking_of_new_breakwater_armour_block_Crablock/12692786/1}, author = {Broere, A. (André)}, keywords = {Crablock, Hydraulic Engineering, breakwater, interlocking degree, master thesis, physical scale model, physical scale model test, single layer armour, stability number, unit movement}, title = {Physical model tests on stability and interlocking of new breakwater armour block Crablock}, publisher = {TU Delft, Department Hydraulic Engineering}, year = {2015}, copyright = {4TU General Terms of Use}, }