@misc{https://doi.org/10.4121/bf21a04c-8c4b-4f51-85b0-0a6387f3a1e1.v1, doi = {10.4121/bf21a04c-8c4b-4f51-85b0-0a6387f3a1e1.v1}, url = {}, author = {Faber, Jasper and Poot, Charlotte and Dekkers, Tessa and Romero Herrera, Natalia and Chavannes, Niels and Visch, Valentijn and Meijer, Eline}, keywords = {participatory design, low health literacy, eHealth, medication adherence, asthma, mHealth, health literacy, participatory medicine, health care, medication}, title = {Data underlying the publication: Developing a Digital Medication Adherence Intervention for and With Patients With Asthma and Low Health Literacy: Protocol for a Participatory Design Approach}, publisher = {4TU.ResearchData}, year = {2024}, copyright = {CC0}, }