@misc{https://doi.org/10.4121/ab7bc46e-e163-4cec-8a5d-6d987025dd3a.v2, doi = {10.4121/ab7bc46e-e163-4cec-8a5d-6d987025dd3a.v2}, url = {}, author = {Sanya, A.K. Carole and Linnemann, Anita R. and Madode, Yann E. and Schoustra, Sijmen E. and Smid, Eddy J.}, keywords = {Maize starch, production process, spontaneous fermentation, microbial community}, title = {Data underlying analysis of the microbial community composition in the publication "The impact of processing technology on microbial community composition and functional properties of Beninese maize ogi"}, publisher = {4TU.ResearchData}, year = {2024}, copyright = {CC0}, }