@misc{https://doi.org/10.4121/uuid:3d971ec0-7a0d-46fa-be02-a2b3d4b9badd, doi = {10.4121/uuid:3d971ec0-7a0d-46fa-be02-a2b3d4b9badd}, url = {https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Data_presented_in_the_paper_A_Novel_Instrument_for_Bed_Dynamics_Observation_Supports_Machine_Learning_Applications_in_Mangrove_Biogeomorphic_Processes/12692429/1}, author = {Hu, Zhan and Zhou, J. and Wang, C. and Wang, H. and He, Z. and Peng, Y. and Zheng, P. and Cozzoli, F. and Bouma, T.J. (Tjeerd)}, keywords = {Bed-level dynamics, Laster based Surface Elevation Dynamics (LSED)-sensor, Machine learning, Tidal flats}, title = {Data presented in the paper: A Novel Instrument for Bed Dynamics Observation Supports: Machine Learning Applications in Mangrove Biogeomorphic Processes}, publisher = {4TU.Centre for Research Data}, year = {2020}, copyright = {CC0}, }