@misc{https://doi.org/10.4121/719a906a-72fb-4a3a-a371-f50cb09e3b75.v1, doi = {10.4121/719a906a-72fb-4a3a-a371-f50cb09e3b75.v1}, url = {}, author = {Bartling, Hans and Abobeih, Mohamed and Pingault, Benjamin and Degen, Maarten and Loenen, Sjoerd and Bradley, Conor and Randall, Joe and Markham, Matthew and Twitchen, Daniel and Taminiau, Tim H.}, keywords = {NV, nuclear, spin, NV center, entanglement, carbon, diamond, dynamical decoupling, coherence, dephasing}, title = {Data underlying the publication: Entanglement of Spin-Pair Qubits with Intrinsic Dephasing Times Exceeding a Minute}, publisher = {4TU.ResearchData}, year = {2023}, copyright = {CC BY 4.0}, }