@misc{https://doi.org/10.4121/uuid:bebd63e7-6559-47a4-8cfb-07345f79ecd5, doi = {10.4121/uuid:bebd63e7-6559-47a4-8cfb-07345f79ecd5}, url = {https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Data_presented_in_the_paper_Hydrodynamic_consequences_of_gaps_in_seagrass_meadows_dependence_on_gap_size_meadow_density_shoot_length_and_water_depth_/12714188/1}, author = {Adhitya, A. (Achmad) and Folkard, A.M. (Andrew) and van Katwijk, M.M. (Marieke) and de Longh, H.H. (Hans) and Herman, P M J and Bouma, T.J. (Tjeerd)}, keywords = {gaps, hydrodynamics, leaf length, seagrass, shoot density, water depth}, title = {Data presented in the paper "Hydrodynamic consequences of gaps in seagrass meadows: dependence on gap size, meadow density, shoot length and water depth"}, publisher = {NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research}, year = {2018}, copyright = {CC0}, }