@misc{https://doi.org/10.4121/uuid:b64986dd-3203-445e-9b93-13a5ac7ef999, doi = {10.4121/uuid:b64986dd-3203-445e-9b93-13a5ac7ef999}, url = {https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Beyond_the_Hype_Deep_Neural_Networks_Outperform_Established_Methods_Using_A_ChEMBL_Bioactivity_Benchmark_Set_version_1_/12694478/2}, author = {Lenselink, Eelke Bart and ten Dijke, N. (Niels) and Bongers, Brandon and Papadatos, G. (George) and van Vlijmen, Herman W. T. and Kowalczyk, W. (Wotjek) and IJzerman, Adriaan P. and van Westen, Gerard}, keywords = {ChEMBL, Cheminformatics, Chemogenomics, Deep Neural Networks, Proteochemometrics, QSAR, Quantitative structure-activity relationship}, title = {Beyond the Hype: Deep Neural Networks Outperform Established Methods Using A ChEMBL Bioactivity Benchmark Set}, publisher = {4TU.Centre for Research Data}, year = {2019}, copyright = {CC0}, }