@misc{https://doi.org/10.4121/18319907.v5, doi = {10.4121/18319907.v5}, url = {https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Raw_data_of_Metagenomic_analysis_of_Tongxie_Yaofang_in_treating_rat_model_of_ulcerative_colitis_with_the_liver_depression_and_spleen_deficiency_syndrome/18319907/5}, author = {Wang, Yan and Shen, Rui and Liu, Miao and Zhou, Qi and Zhai, Yan-hui and Fang, Hui-Lin and Lan, Yu-ze and Xiang-dong, Zhu}, keywords = {Ulcerative colitis, Tongxie Yaofang, metagenomic sequencing, Intestinal Microbiota Composition}, title = {Raw data of Metagenomic analysis of Tongxie Yaofang in treating rat model of ulcerative colitis with the "liver depression and spleen deficiency" syndrome}, publisher = {4TU.ResearchData}, year = {2022}, copyright = {CC0}, }