@misc{https://doi.org/10.4121/451152e2-a4d4-4e42-96e0-4147afb1e45c.v2, doi = {10.4121/451152e2-a4d4-4e42-96e0-4147afb1e45c.v2}, url = {}, author = {Herrmann, Yanik and Fischer , Julius and Scheijen, Stijn and Wolfs, Cornelis F. J. and Brevoord, Julia M. and Sauerzapf, Colin and Wienhoven, Leonardo G. C. and Feije, Laurens J. and Eschen, Martin and Ruf, Maximilian}, keywords = {Optical Cavity, Fiber-based Cavity, Purcell Enhancement, Quantum Communication, Quantum Networks, Quantum Optics, Tin-Vacancy Center, Nitrogen-Vacancy Center, Diamond}, title = {Data underlying the publication "A Low-Temperature Tunable Microcavity featuring High Passive Stability and Microwave Integration"}, publisher = {4TU.ResearchData}, year = {2024}, copyright = {CC BY 4.0}, }