@misc{https://doi.org/10.4121/uuid:28a121af-1e08-429d-9d53-1cc53764e91e, doi = {10.4121/uuid:28a121af-1e08-429d-9d53-1cc53764e91e}, url = {https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Data_underlying_the_paper_Stable_quantum_dots_in_an_InSb_two-dimensional_electron_gas/12683636/1}, author = {Kulesh, I. (Ivan) and Ke, Ting and Goswami, S. (Srijit) and Thomas, C. (Candice) and Karwal, S. (Saurabh) and Moehle, C.M. (Christian) and Metti, S. (Sara) and Kallaher, R. (Ray) and Gardner, G.C. (Geoffrey) and Manfra, M.J. (Michael)}, keywords = {Indiumantimonide (InSb), Low density two-dimensional electron gases (2DEGs), Quantum dot}, title = {Data underlying the paper: Stable quantum dots in an InSb two-dimensional electron gas}, publisher = {4TU.Centre for Research Data}, year = {2019}, copyright = {CC0}, }