@misc{https://doi.org/10.4121/uuid:817dbbc8-f3d7-4b91-b809-1ea25214bd3c, doi = {10.4121/uuid:817dbbc8-f3d7-4b91-b809-1ea25214bd3c}, url = {https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Data_underlying_the_publication_Computational_characterization_of_the_dish-in-a-dish_a_high_yield_culture_platform_for_endothelial_shear_stress_studies_on_the_orbital_shaker_/12705968/1}, author = {Driessen, R.C.H. (Rob) and Zhao, F. (Feihu) and Hofmann S. (Sandra), and Bouten, C. V. C (Carlijn) and Sahlgren, C. M. (Cecilia) and Stassen, O. M. J. A. (Oscar)}, keywords = {computational fluid dynamics, endothelial cells, flow, orbital shaker, shear stress}, title = {Data underlying the publication "Computational characterization of the dish-in-a-dish, a high yield culture platform for endothelial shear stress studies on the orbital shaker"}, publisher = {4TU.Centre for Research Data}, year = {2020}, copyright = {CC BY 4.0}, }