@misc{https://doi.org/10.4121/13265459.v1, doi = {10.4121/13265459.v1}, url = {https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Data_underlying_the_research_on_binding_of_archaeal_histones_HMfA_and_HMfB_to_DNA_/13265459/1}, author = {Henneman, Bram and Brouwer, Thomas and Erkelens, Amanda M. and Kuijntjes, Gert-Jan and van Emmerik, Clara and van der Valk, Ramon A. and Timmer, Monika and Kirolos, Nancy C.S. and van Ingen, Hugo and van Noort, John}, keywords = {archaea, histones, HMfA, HMfB, hypernucleosome}, title = {Data underlying the research on binding of archaeal histones HMfA and HMfB to DNA.}, publisher = {4TU.ResearchData}, year = {2020}, copyright = {CC BY-NC 4.0}, }