@misc{https://doi.org/10.4121/uuid:e0ef1135-879d-4462-954b-35972dd9fa0e, doi = {10.4121/uuid:e0ef1135-879d-4462-954b-35972dd9fa0e}, url = {https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Effects_of_-Glucans_and_resistant_starch_on_fermentation_of_recalcitrant_fibers_in_growing_pigs/12717479/1}, author = {de Vries, Sonja and Gerrits, W.J.J. (Walter) and Kabel, Mirjam A. and Zijlstra, R. (Ruurd) and Vasanthan, T. (Thava)}, keywords = {Animal nutrition, Carbohydrate structures, Digestibility measurements, Fermentable fibers, Food chemistry, Growing pigs, In vivo digestion, Nutritional modelling, Rapeseed meal}, title = {Effects of β-Glucans and resistant starch on fermentation of recalcitrant fibers in growing pigs}, publisher = {Wageningen University}, year = {2017}, copyright = {4TU General Terms of Use}, }