@misc{https://doi.org/10.4121/uuid:b015b1bf-d7dd-4f8c-aa22-d97c9f3d84b9, doi = {10.4121/uuid:b015b1bf-d7dd-4f8c-aa22-d97c9f3d84b9}, url = {https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Modeling_the_biogeomorphic_evolution_of_coastal_dunes_in_response_to_climate_change/12712934/1}, author = {Keijsers, Joep and de Groot, A.V. (Alma) and Riksen, M.J.P.M. (Michel)}, keywords = {Aeolian transport, Cellular automata, Climate change, Coastal dunes, Dune building, Dune cellular model, Foredune, Geomorphology, Sea level rise, Wave dissipation}, title = {Modeling the biogeomorphic evolution of coastal dunes in response to climate change}, publisher = {Wageningen University}, year = {2016}, copyright = {4TU General Terms of Use}, }