@misc{https://doi.org/10.4121/uuid:433acf72-2779-4470-a111-d94c415125b8, doi = {10.4121/uuid:433acf72-2779-4470-a111-d94c415125b8}, url = {https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Results_of_Standing_Balance_Tests_measured_with_the_BalRoom_Balance_test_Room_in_Healthy_Elderly/12692846/1}, author = {Pasma, Jantsje and Engelhart, d. and Maier, A.B. and Aarts, R.G.K.M. and van Gerven, J.M.A. and Arendzen, J.H. and Schouten, Alfred and Meskers, C.G.M. and van der Kooij, H.}, keywords = {Biomechanical Engineering, Rehabilitation Medicine, Standing Balance, System Identification}, title = {Results of Standing Balance Tests measured with the BalRoom (Balance test Room) in Healthy Elderly}, publisher = {TU Delft}, year = {2016}, copyright = {4TU General Terms of Use}, }