Supplementary data to the article: Fractal and Multifractal Characterization of Stochastic Fracture Networks and Real Outcrops

doi: 10.4121/14464893.v2
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doi: 10.4121/14464893
Datacite citation style:
Zhu, Weiwei (2021): Supplementary data to the article: Fractal and Multifractal Characterization of Stochastic Fracture Networks and Real Outcrops. Version 2. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset.
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choose version:
version 2 - 2021-10-26 (latest)
version 1 - 2021-04-26
This is the supplementary data to the article: Fractal and Multifractal Characterization of Stochastic Fracture Networks and Real Outcrops
In the folder Digitalized Outcrops:
80 digitalized outcrops:
Matrix+id_Fractures.txt: the coordinates of digitalized outcrops;
Plotfracture.m: Matlab code to plot fractures;
In the folder Generated Data:
Delta_a=X_FDc=X_L=X_kappa=X: Results of \Delta\alpha of 10 simulations at different radii;
FD_a=X_FDc=X_L=X_kappa=X: Results of fractal dimension of 10 simulations;
The range of each parameters:
Power-law distribution, a--->(2, 3)
Fractal spatial density distribution, FDc--->(1.2, 2)
von Mises--Fisher distribution, kappa--->(1,2,3,4 refer to kappa=0,1,5,10, respectively)
System size, L--->(10,30,50)

  • 2021-04-26 first online
  • 2021-10-26 published, posted
  • National Key Research and Development Program of China (No. 2019YFA0708704)
Tsinghua University


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