A TXT file of genes to probe sets mapping for 70,632 genes recognized by the KM-plotter and expression of ACTL6A and N1IC in breast cancer and normal tissues

doi: 10.4121/16538328.v1
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Datacite citation style:
Chen, Xiaowen; Chen, Manyu; Jiang, Yujie; Chen, Jianli (2021): A TXT file of genes to probe sets mapping for 70,632 genes recognized by the KM-plotter and expression of ACTL6A and N1IC in breast cancer and normal tissues. Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset. https://doi.org/10.4121/16538328.v1
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Expression of ACTL6A and N1IC in breast cancer and normal tissues

A TXT file of genes to probe sets mapping for 70,632 genes recognized by the KM-plotter

A TXT file of the complete list of all JetSet parameters for 54,675 probe sets utilized in the Kaplan-Meier plotter. The table contains the JetSet values and the JetSet best probe set is marked for each gene
  • 2021-09-22 first online, published, posted
  • The zhanjiang non-funded science and technology project(No.2019B01032)
Department of Oncology Center, Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Medical University